It’s November, and that means the most wonderful time of year is upon us! The sweets that come with the holidays may taste good, but have you considered the damage they can do to your teeth? Keeping your mouth healthy and eating the right holiday foods are important parts of making it through the season with your teeth damage-free. Here are four tips that will help your pearly whites prosper.
Tip #1: Drink Water
Whether you choose to indulge in sweet treats or are successful at avoiding the temptation, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the holiday season. Not only will this wash away leftover sugar and harmful oral bacteria, but it will also keep your mouth well moisturized. This will allow you to avoid issues including high plaque levels, increased chances of developing tooth decay and gum disease, mouth sores, oral thrush, split skin at the corners of your mouth, and cracked lips.
Tip #2: Brush and Floss Regularly
The holidays are a busy time of year, but it’s important that you continue to keep up with your oral health routine. Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss once to remove food, plaque, and bacteria from your teeth. You may also want to consider flossing between meals or caring a dental kit around with you if you’re going on vacation or traveling to see loved ones.
Tip #3: Skip Sugary and Sticky Foods
Foods like caramel apples, candy, taffy, cranberry sauce, marshmallows, candy canes, and pie may be tempting, but they can do some serious damage to your pearly whites. The stickiness makes them hard to wash away, and the sweetness feeds harmful oral bacteria. If you’re desperate for something sweet, eat sugar-free candy or dark chocolate. Both are easier to wash away, and sugar-free candy even increases saliva production to keep your mouth moisturized.
Tip #4: Eat Protein
Rolls, mashed potatoes, rice, pasta, and stuffing are tasty, but they’re also starchy and carb-heavy. High-carb and starchy foods break down into sugar, so they feed bacteria the same way that sweets do. Fill up on protein-packed foods like turkey, ham, chicken, lean beef, fish, cheese, peas, broccoli, asparagus, and Brussels sprouts.
The holidays are the sweetest time of the year, but that doesn’t mean your teeth have to suffer. Protect your mouth from harm with these four tips so you can make it through the holidays without a dental emergency and with pleasant memories to last a lifetime.
About the Practice
If you live in the Sparks area and need tips on how to keep your teeth healthy during the holidays, Vista Dental Care can help. They offer a range of preventive treatment options and can also provide guidance on how to protect your oral health during this time of year and beyond. Ready to schedule an appointment or have questions about how to keep holiday foods from damaging your teeth? Call Vista Dental Care’s office at (775) 626-3535 or visit their website to get started.