Near Year’s is almost here! Do you know what your resolution is going to be? While many people resolve to make more money, travel, or get in better shape, have you ever considered making a resolution that’s good for your oral health? Read on for five ideas for New Year’s resolutions that will help you achieve better dental health and gain a healthier, brighter smile.
#1: Brush and Floss Better
Many people know that brushing and flossing are a key part of maintaining good oral health, but are you putting enough effort into it? Brush your teeth for two minutes at least twice per day. Make sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid damaging your enamel and fluoride toothpaste to strengthen it. Floss at least once per day, preferably before you go to bed, to remove 40% of plaque from your pearly whites. Both of these things will give you a brighter smile and lessen your chances of developing cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues.
#2: Visit the Dentist
Many people avoid going to the dentist, but it’s a huge part of maintaining a healthy smile. Rather than waiting until an issue arises, make a point of going in for checkups and cleanings at least every six months. This will allow your dentist to remove plaque and tartar buildups and to check for and treat oral health issues before they get out of hand.
#3: Cut Out Tobacco
Smoking and using other tobacco products can do a lot of damage to your oral health, including gum disease. It also puts you at a higher risk of developing oral and other forms of cancer. Speak with your dentist about ways to quit or join a support group.
#4: Show Dry Mouth Who’s Boss
Drink more water to keep your mouth from drying out. Chewing sugarless gum and eating sugar-free candy will also help increase saliva production. Cut back on your alcohol consumption, as this can dry out your mouth. Visiting your dentist will also allow them to do a thorough examination to make sure you don’t have any underlying oral health issues that could be causing your dry mouth.
#5: Brighten Your Smile
Drinking tea, coffee, cola, red wine, and eating highly pigmented foods can lead to tooth stains. To lessen your chances of discoloration, cut back on this food and beverages. If you are interested in brightening your smile, speak with your dentist to learn what options they have available.
With these five suggestions, you’ll be able to start 2022 off right. Your smile deserves some appreciation, so make resolutions to take better care of it in the new year!
About the Practice
If you’re struggling to maintain a healthy smile and need professional assistance, Dr. Marc Thomas and his talented Sparks team at Vista Dental Care can help. They are bringing effective, trustworthy dental care to patients of all ages and can help you learn the best way to take care of your pearly whites. If you’re ready to schedule an appointment or have any questions, call Vista Dental Care at (775) 626-3535 or visit their website.