Many people want to have straighter, prettier, healthier smiles but don’t want to deal with conspicuous metal braces or the dietary restrictions they require. Thankfully, SureSmile clear aligners can bring a smile into a better alignment while being virtually invisible and completely removable, allowing the patient to eat whatever they want. However, some people may find it difficult to remove them. Here are a few tips for safely and easily removing your aligners.
Warm Your Mouth Up Beforehand
Many materials such as metal and rubber become more stubborn and easier to break if they are cold, and the plastic used in SureSmile clear aligners is no exception. Avoid drinking cold water before removing your aligners. It may also be easier to remove them if your mouth and fingers are drier when you do so. You might try opening your mouth to let some saliva evaporate before you go about extracting them.
Start at the Back of the Teeth
It’s easier to remove your Invisalign clear aligners if you start at the molars and gradually work them away from the teeth as you work toward the front. Some patients like to do this on one side of the mouth and others prefer to do both sides at once. If you are having difficulty at any particular area, hook your fingernails under the aligner to provide leverage as you lift it away from your teeth.
Use a Thick Paper Towel
Many patients report that gripping their aligners with a thick paper towel makes it easier to hold onto them. Hold the paper towel or kitchen paper and use it to grasp the aligner by the molars. Pull the aligner away from either side and then from the front teeth. Having a better grip can make a massive difference.
Surgical Gloves Might Help
Very fine surgical gloves help many people get a secure grip on their aligners because they allow them to still feel around their teeth while providing a better hold. You can purchase them at pharmacies or medical supply stores in boxes of fifty or one hundred. Remember that the thick rubber gloves used for housework will not be effective.
SureSmile can realign a smile without being visible to the casual observer. By removing and replacing your aligners as directed, you can keep your treatment on track so you can enjoy a straight smile sooner.
About the Author
Dr. Marc Thomas earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of the Pacific before serving in the US Army Dental Corps. He is proud to serve as a member of the American Dental Association, the Northern Nevada Dental Society, and the Academy of General Dentistry. His office in Sparks, NV offers general, restorative, cosmetic, and emergency dentistry as well as SureSmile clear aligners. For more information on how to keep on top of your SureSmile treatment, contact the office online or dial (775) 626-3535.