With summer here and record temperatures already being reported around the world, it’s never been more important to stay hydrated. Water is essential in helping to keep your body functioning and preventing dangerous conditions like dehydration and heat stroke. But did you know that water also benefits your oral health?
Don’t get caught off guard this summer. Protect your teeth and your health by watching for these warning signs that your body might be sending you if it needs some hydration help!
Dry Mouth / Bad Breath
Having a dry mouth and/or bad breath are signs that your saliva levels are low. This can often be caused by dehydration due to heat, but it can even be caused by certain medications. If you notice either of these symptoms, remember to drink frequent glasses of water, and speak to your dentist if it persists, as it could lead to gum disease if not corrected.
While it is not known why dehydration causes headaches, scientists believe that it can temporarily shrink your brain tissue, which could be responsible for the pain. Dehydration headaches can range from minor to migraine, so be sure to keep up your water intake to avoid any unnecessary discomfort.
Do you remember when you were a kid, and you told your mom you were hungry before dinner? Did she tell you to drink a glass of water? Well, mom was on to something there, because sometimes your body sends hunger signals when it’s dehydrated. While you shouldn’t replace a meal with just water, if you are feeling more hungry than usual, it could be a sign that your body needs some H2O.
Muscle Cramps or Spasms
If your muscles are cramping or spasming, it could mean your body needs electrolytes. This happens frequently with athletes, but it can just as easily happen to you even if you’re just walking around doing everyday tasks. Staying hydrated keeps your sodium and potassium levels up, which in turn balances your body’s pH and helps maintain its nervous system functions, all of which can stop your muscles from spasming or cramping.
Remember, it’s not always easy to know when your body needs water. Just because you don’t feel thirsty doesn’t mean you’re properly hydrated. To maintain optimum hydration levels, be sure to get your recommended intake (15.5 cups for men; 11.5 cups for women) each day and you’ll lower your risk of dehydration during these especially hot months.
About Our Practice
Vista Dental Care combines the art and science of dentistry with the care and compassion you might expect from an old friend. That’s because our team wants you and your family to feel comfortable with us. Whether you need an exam and cleaning, a new set of veneers, or a more complex restoration, we strive to make you feel right at home.
To schedule an appointment, please visit our website or call us at 775-626-3535.