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Vista Dental Care Blog

4 Reasons to Schedule Your Routine Dental Appointment Today

August 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 8:09 pm
Female patient at routine dental appointment

Did you know roughly 48% of American adults don’t visit the dentist at least once a year? Between busy schedules, dental phobias, and the current pandemic, many patients find themselves consistently postponing their routine checkups. However, your bi-yearly appointments serve an important purpose for your oral and overall health! Read on for four reasons to schedule a visit to your dentist today.


Why Is Flossing So Important for Your Dental Health?

July 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 8:51 pm
Woman flossing

It has been drilled into your head since you were a child that flossing is an important part of keeping your teeth clean. This isn’t just because it can help you remove food debris that is stuck in between. There is a multitude of benefits of taking a minute to floss every day when you brush your teeth. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist about the benefits of flossing.


Most Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Trends in 2020

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 5:37 pm
Woman smiling with cosmetic dentist

Do you have insecurities about your smile? Fortunately, dentistry has come a long way and offers a multitude of different procedures and treatments for both aesthetic and restorative purposes. Certain treatments are becoming increasingly popular throughout the years because of their incredible results. Continue reading to learn more from your cosmetic dentist about the most popular dental trends throughout 2020. Maybe you will find one that’s right for you!


4 Benefits of Routine Dental Visits

June 29, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 9:00 pm

Smiling woman with a dentistDid you know the Adult’s Oral Health & Well-Being Survey found that 42% of Americans don’t visit the dentist at least once a year? Between a demanding work schedule and following the stay-at-home orders, your next visit for a checkup and cleaning with your dentist can seem unnecessary. After all, you practice good dental hygiene, and forgoing this one visit won’t hurt, right?

Actually, your bi-yearly visits are crucial for both your oral and overall health. If you find yourself considering skipping your upcoming visit, here are four benefits you should consider:


I’ve Had Braces Before. Can I Still Get Invisalign?

May 23, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 3:10 pm

Woman holding Invisalign clear alignerYou went through the long process of having metal braces when you were younger and liked the outcome, but over the years your bite has changed. With your busy life you can’t imagine going through braces again, but you want to feel confident about your smile. You’ve heard of Invisalign but don’t know if it’s a viable option because of the braces you wore previously. Fortunately, they are! Invisalign can give you the results you want in as little as six months and is practically invisible. Your dentist can answer your questions and help you determine if Invisalign is applicable for your unique smile.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing A Face Mask

May 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 2:57 pm

Woman wearing a face mask to go to the dentistAdjusting to life during the COVID-19 pandemic can be a challenge. Limiting your physical contact with friends and family, working from home, and watching the virus take over all the news channels has been draining. On top of this, people all over the country are being asked to wear face coverings to reduce the spread of the virus. You want to follow the new recommendations as well as possible, but how do you know that you are doing it correctly? Your dentist can tell you the do’s and don’ts of wearing face masks to protect yourself and the people around you.


4 Reasons Why You Should Leave Braces to the Professionals

May 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 10:15 am

Invisalign trays provided by a dentistAdvancements in science over the last fifty years have provided people with new tools to take care of their teeth at home. However, there are some things that still need the expertise and oversight of a trained dentist to be carried out successfully. The process of moving your teeth is often intricate and will have lasting consequences, so an experienced dentist is necessary to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Unfortunately, many people are seeking out do-it-yourself solutions over the internet to try and adjust their teeth without visiting the dentist. These quick fixes often fail and leave lasting damage in your mouth. Before you decide to try your own solutions, consider these 4 reasons to see your dentist for braces.


4 Myths About Rebuilding Your Smile with Dental Implants

April 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 10:01 pm

Sparks implant dentist points at model of dental implantAre you considering getting dental implants, but are hesitant because of the rumors you’ve heard about them? Even though nearly 3 million Americans have dental implants and another 500,000 are placed every year, there are some common misconceptions about this state-of-the-art tooth replacement option. However, they may be the perfect choice for regaining your smile, oral health, and confidence. Read on as your local Sparks implant dentist busts the four most common myths about this modern way to rebuild your smile.


Ask an Emergency Dentist: Is This Really an Emergency and How Can You Manage It?

March 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 4:45 pm

Distressed man in pain before seeing an emergency dentistIn a dental emergency, it’s easy for anyone to panic. And, in many cases, it’s hard to know how to handle the situation or even if you’re having a true emergency or not. In this blog, you’ll find out when you need immediate care from an emergency dentist and when it can wait until normal business hours. You’ll also get some great tips for managing common emergencies until you can be seen. Learn more below!


How Can a Dentist Help You Recover from Sleep Apnea?

March 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — vistadental @ 9:25 pm

man struggling to stay awake from sleep apneaOver 22 million Americans are currently living with sleep apnea. If you discover that you, too, are suffering from this condition, how can a local sleep dentist help you recover? As you continue reading, you’ll learn what sleep apnea is, what symptoms to be on the lookout for and how you can get the rest you desperately need.


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